Hadoop: The Definitive Guide

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Hadoop: The Definitive Guide

Using Hadoop 2 exclusively, author Tom White presents new chapters
on YARN and several Hadoop-related projects such as Parquet, Flume,
Crunch, and Spark. You’ll learn about recent changes to Hadoop, and
explore new case studies on Hadoop’s role in healthcare systems and
genomics data processing.

Learn fundamental components such as MapReduce, HDFS,
and YARN


Explore MapReduce in depth, including steps for developing
applications with it


Set up and maintain a Hadoop cluster running HDFS and
MapReduce on YARN


Learn two data formats: Avro for data serialization and Parquet
for nested data


Use data ingestion tools such as Flume (for streaming data) and
Sqoop (for bulk data transfer)


Understand how high-level data processing tools like Pig, Hive,
Crunch, and Spark work with Hadoop


Learn the HBase distributed database and the ZooKeeper

Từ khóa: Hadoop: The Definitive Guide

756 p nguyenthithuylinh 10/05/2022 81 0